Yeah I want everyone to stop thinking that making jokes about white people’s potato salad being lacking in flavour and thinking it is 1. Funny and 2. Making any fucking difference other than highlighting differences. Black people can swim and have small dicks, white people can dance. The pop culture racism is boring and part of the problem. 3 weeks ago
Why are you talking about white people jokes when I’m talking about systemic oppression. 3 weeks ago
Well for one, america has never shut up about racism and to go with that…things have not got better. It is literally legal to have slaves as long as you incarcerate them first.
Its like these people protesting at the moment, everyone is posting a catching sign. Why the fuck is everyone not just stopping work, just not participating? Because you cant monetise or grow your image that way. Americans want to be seen to care about race, to protest to blah blah blah. But when push comes to shove, ye vote for greed or complacency. 2 weeks ago
Things have not gotten better, seriously? Weird, I don’t see KKK members hanging people from trees anymore…
Why isn’t everyone just stopping work? You must have a great life, because a lot of people live pay check to pay check and are just trying to survive. Protesting by not working could make them miss rent and be on the street. Do you seriously not understand that concept?
The country was basically split on the vote and there was only 2 real options. What would you have suggested people did when it came time to vote? Throw their hands up and quit? 2 weeks ago
Yeah…they just shoot up schools or use no knock warrants on the wrong house. Kill lads for carrying skittles or being out for a run. Sorry, the metbod has changed, that much is true.
Yeah I have a good life, precisely because we as a work force are engaged and act as one. We also have a non shithole country where you cant just be kicked out of your home, even if its for missing rent.
Be engaged and demand progressive politicians, not goplite. A third of america didnt even vote. Sppit down the middle with nazis, bleh and meh.