It doesn’t help that people put silly things onto the IA. I’ve seen some things like YouTube videos that really didn’t need to be there (they have, objectively, nothing of value enough to warrant taking up space on these servers that could be used for more important materials…).
Comment on Internet Archive played crucial role in tracking shady CDC data removals 5 days ago
Any idea the size of IA? Could it be packaged in some torrents and distributed to the masses for decentralized archiving? I’m guessing it’s way more than I could store. 5 days ago 5 days ago
If they added download options on different taxonomies, I’d try to grab some things to archive. 5 days ago
Yeah, stuff that is able to be taught is vital to have archives, but some Twitch streamer playing some MMO/shooter/scary game isn’t what I would consider very imperative to get backed up. :P 5 days ago
As of five years ago, 70 petabytes:…/donate-to-the-internet-archiv…
in 2012 it was 10 petabytes. Now, it’s probably well over 100 petabytes. I think it well beyond the scope of torrents by now. 5 days ago
That’s a bit more than my home server can handle. I could maybe take some CDC data, but definitely not the full shebang. It would be neat if someone could segment the data so we could save some more critical things. 5 days ago
A couple years ago I read that Filecoin has teamed up with the internet archive to synchronize the data on the Blockchain. I’m not sure how far they are yet, but it’s something that could work if it doesn’t turn out to be just crypto hype in the end.