Comment on Eat that ramen 4 weeks ago
The same logistics and industrial development that allows you the luxury of studying to increase the value of your work output, the luxury of ennui that gives you philosophical dread on your idle hours while others would kill to be on your not-working-in-cobalt-mines shoes while being fed and safe enough to sleep, all this while having thrived up to an age that for most of human history has basically senility, is the one that gives you the climate change
You know what you need to do. 4 weeks ago
I’ve always wanted more value from my work output! Or contentment and self-actualization, it was one or the other.
I’m assuming you mean that those idle hours are the luxury? Because I’m pretty sure tedium and boredom existed in the fields and cobalt mines long before it got a fancy French name.
Relative privation?
Also, is eating ramen being fed? Is it safety if you’re one illness and insurance fuckup, or a job loss and six(?) months, away from homelessness?
Extreme infant and childhood mortality explains most of the short historical lifespans. 30 was never senility.
Every step of towards lessening greenhouse gases brings us closer to the fall of western civilization! Fly more, abolish public transportation, eat only beef, set your AC so low you have to wear a sweater!