Yeah, accurate and correct are different ideas, though. If they don’t do drastic things, they may even face legal stuff soon.
Comment on That's it. butn it down. 4 weeks ago“userbase request”
It’s accurate, though. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
Editing to add: that 2tb of space is going to go bye bye quickly as well.
It kind of feels like you’re trying to threaten or pressure others into agreeing with you, or administration into complying.
If you want to purge your own contributions, that’s your prerogative.
If you’re suggesting for that you will nuke active communities that you moderate if administration doesn’t comply with your demands, then you’re not on the right side of this either, IMO. 4 weeks ago
I’m sorry to reply once again, but it seems we have legitimately woken up the need for an admin account here. The troll is banned once again. 4 weeks ago
You have a very real point here. The only community that I mod here is linux_video_editing. I’m just deeply upset and having a hard time finding reason. If anyone is willing to just moderate that, never post, please make a comment there. 4 weeks ago
I’m just nuking posts for the time being. New mods needed at linux_video_editing 4 weeks ago
It just goes to show you what we can accomplish by banding together and bargaining with SDF collectively. To that end, on behalf of the user base, I’d like to demand a one-time payment of $500 to wesker and of 500 girlcocks to myself. 4 weeks ago
I’d feel more comfortable with a 50/50 split of girlcocks and money.