Comment on Eat that ramen 4 weeks ago
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Hold up, am I crazy or is this showing that the temperature at the North pole was 15 °C in January? What’s the source of the picture? What were usual readings in previous years?
I think it means 15C warmer than before the industrial revolution
It looks like it’s relative to the 2004-2013 average, actually. Note the years listed at the bottom.
I think it’s showing it’s 15 degrees warmer than normal, if I read it right.
source 4 weeks ago
Hold up, am I crazy or is this showing that the temperature at the North pole was 15 °C in January? What’s the source of the picture? What were usual readings in previous years? 4 weeks ago
I think it means 15C warmer than before the industrial revolution 4 weeks ago
It looks like it’s relative to the 2004-2013 average, actually. Note the years listed at the bottom. 4 weeks ago
I think it’s showing it’s 15 degrees warmer than normal, if I read it right. 4 weeks ago