You get a check? Like, those paper payments?
I haven’t found one bank or establishment that’ll cash any of my former employer’s checks in over a decade. They tell me the companies I worked for aren’t registered as trusted employers/check issuers.
My past employers all had to cash their own damn checks and hand me cash money. And that’s largely why I quit repairing computers, tablets and phones back in 2017, apparently all the tech companies here are shady, to the point even their own banks don’t trust them.
Wish I knew what it was like to have an honest employer… 4 weeks ago
=/ not like a paper check, no. You ok, bro? 4 weeks ago
Read my edited comment.
No, I’m not exactly okay, my old bank and past employers all fucked me on getting paid. 4 weeks ago
We musk is circling the wagons about to fuck us all, so I guess we have that in common. 4 weeks ago
Very sad timeline we live in…