Comment on The 2025 SJW Update: Donations, costs and other points 4 weeks ago
Done! Keep up the good work and thank you :)
Not that it matters a ton, but it’s kinda hard to tell if your at or under your goal between the two platforms.
If we were shy one month would be cool to know so can pitch in a little more to make up the difference…ect 4 weeks ago
I’d also appreciate an official update of this at some point (I’d be fine with end of Feb for the first update). What I have right now is some napkin math, as someone who sucks at math:
Ko-Fi: About $401.60 at the time of this post ($160 x 2.51)
Librepay - I made an assumption based on remaining weeks in 2025 last time, but idk if that’s actually how it works, so I’m changing it to a full calendar 52 weeks here (if someone has a source on how librepay comes to the per week figure, let me know, because I do know it takes lump sums and divides it to add to a weekly value): 28.66 x 52 = $1490.32
Assuming this is all 100% accurate, puts current total at $1891.92, about 55% of the proposed 2025 budget.
Please do not take this as gospel - I think I’m in the right ballpark but that Librepay per week thing is throwing me for loop. I think Ko Fi is more straight forward and the $160 is not a per week goal thing