It’s not supposed to cut into the skin silly! 😂
Or course it cuts all the way through the nail!
Comment on I made a fingernail clipper guard using a paperclip and a couple grooves under the bottom blade. 5 weeks ago
I don’t understand what you mean by “cutting too deep. It’s supposed to cut all the way through, that’s the whole point.
It’s not supposed to cut into the skin silly! 😂
Or course it cuts all the way through the nail!
Not a problem I’ve ever had but I’m glad you found a solution to your problem!
It was pointed out to me today that this would be perfect for mothers trimming their young infant/toddler’s nails. 5 weeks ago
I think he means cutting the nail too short. So the guard stops the nail from going in too far and cutting the nails so short it hurts the nail bed underneath.
Personally I like my nails to be on the short side, since I do things like machining and woodworking as a hobby. Nothing ruins a fun day of working in the shop as folding or splitting a nail in the first 5 minutes. But I can understand for people who like to have their nails a bit on the longer side if this isn’t a concern. 5 weeks ago
Got it, that makes sense! 5 weeks ago
Exactly 👍