Don’t worry too much over it. Many of us understand it’s only your president deciding on your behalf. Bridges can be rebuilt when you get a decent person in office. We depend too much on each other to let one single man with a stupid agenda break us apart. Funnily enough, it seems Trump is uniting everyone below the border. I don’t think he projected that far into the consequences.
Comment on Brazil condemns US after deportees arrive handcuffed 5 weeks agoAll that influence and goodwill the US accumulated after WWII is going to dust 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
But then every 4 years there’s basically the risk of shit hitting the fan again. Any agreement or treaty or deal can be just dropped if the next guy doesn’t like it. Very little incentive for anyone to agree to anything in that case. 5 weeks ago
Yes. Very little reason to trust the United States now. Countries will tend to get very transactional with the US, and shift their allegiances to China or EU 5 weeks ago
Bridges can be rebuilt when you get a decent person in office.
This the major defect of US governance that is being laid bare now. American presidentialism puts too much power on the hands of the president, which can result in schizophrenic foreign policy 5 weeks ago
It’s not just the president. Biden deported more people than trump did in his first term, Obama deported more than any president before him. The US empire continues regardless of who is in power. The only thing that changes is whether the fox smiles before he kills you or the wolf bares its teeth. 5 weeks ago
As Putin planned. 5 weeks ago
Let’s not pretend that the west needed Putin to become racist/fascist. The same west which slaughtered tens of millions of people at the altars of capital after WW2. 5 weeks ago
Putin handcuffed and deported those people actually. 5 weeks ago
Not to forget Xi. This doesnt happen without Pooh bear. They have played US for absolute fools.