Comment on ‘I was a multimillionaire, I had a beautiful girlfriend, I was unhappy’: the ups and downs of a supertrader ⁨5⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

“The rich have got a choice,” he says. “They can lend the money to the government or they can buy the assets. I know what I’m doing.”

“OK, what’s that?” I ask, trepidatiously, knowing the answer.

“I’m buying the assets. Stocks, gold, commodities, property, everything. The rich have got a lot of money, they can buy everything. The government has got to compete with that. They can’t. They’re trying to play chess with no pieces.”

This sound like the activity of a leftist. But it’s an interesting question, to what extent you can play the capitalist game while still claiming to be a leftist? When are you undermining from within and when have you just gone over to the other side, no matter how you conceive of yourself?
