Comment on trying to test washing machine motor; saw a white flash, voltage dropped, what happened? 1 month agoPossibly your motor is having an insulation breakdown when 220v is applied. Looks fine when testing with an ordinary multimeter and it’s low supply voltage.
So everything looks fine until it powers up. This flashover would likely fry whatever control components are in your main board, and it’s possible that your safety capacitor has a set of polyfuses in it that temporarily go high resistance when excess load is applied.
To check for an insulation breakdown you’d really need a megger which can apply 250/500v to the motor windings to check the leakage to ground/between windings. 1 month ago
Thanks for the feedback! So I guess I should buy a megger. Wow… not cheap. I think I see these at local 2nd hand street markets. I often thought “what strange multimeter… so few functions” but I didn’t realize what I was looking at. I will look for something that dials “500V” and has fewer modes than a multimeter, and ideally a “MΩ” printed somewhere although it looks like they won’t all print that on the device.
I suppose I could try to bring the motor into an appliance repair shop and pay them to test it with a megger.
As far as diagnosis of the whole machine-- suppose it’s true that I have an insulation failure. The control panel LEDs light up correctly when powered on, then when I try to start a program the start button just blinks. Does it seem viable or likely that faulty insulation would cause the controller to behave that way? I get the impression that the blinking LED means the controller detected an unspecified fault of some kind & refused to continue, which tempts me to think that the controller is functioning correctly – unless it’s a false positive of a failure.
I really want to avoid replacing multiple major parts because I don’t imagine I can return special ordered parts. 5 weeks ago
You can use a set of probes in series with a 100 watt incandescent bulb as a “poor man’s megger” to roughly check insulation. Of course everything needs to be appropriately insulated for this!
Remove the motor from the washing machine and place it on an insulating surface.
Put one probe from your light bulb on a motor terminal.
Put the other probe on the frame of the motor.
The bulb should not light up.
Repeat for various motor terminals in case there are different windings/etc. 5 weeks ago
I appreciate the guidance. But I think I can rule out insulation breakdown because I just removed the cover to the tacho generator and the ring magnet was broken in two pieces. 4 weeks ago
Hm that certainly won’t help!