Comment on Australia Post parcel lockers are eligible to be installed in private apartment/office complexes! 1 month ago
Mandate parcel locker interoperability,
or dO iT liKe FiNlanD dOes:
- In my building, there are lockers from Company 1, who prefers placing them inside. Nice.
- In front of a building 40 meters away, lockers from Company 2, who prefers the outside. Okay, more people have access, but sometimes it rains there. Such a short distance between lockers seems redundant.
- Not all shops I order from use Company 1 that I prefer most of the year, when it’s wet and/or cold.
- When I order using Company 3, 4, or 5, and I’m not home receiving, neither locker is used and I’ll have to fetch the parcel from the nearest branch or locker of Company 3, 4, or 5. This is stupid. I wanted to pay a dime to Company 1 locker for receiving the parcel and holding it for a few hours. That’s impossible in this lack of a system.
- Walking outside, I see many lockers in different Company colours not matched to the buildings they obscure.
Free market economy - isn’t it great!