Comment on A baby boomer tried to show me a positive side to the cost of living crisis. It didn't help ⁨3⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

tHe PoSiTiVe SiDe To ThE cOsT oF lIvInG aNd InFlAtIoN iS iT mAkEs My SuPeR aNd InVeStMeNt PoRtFoLiO iNcReAsE.

tHe PoSiTiVe SiDe To ThE hOuSiNg CrIsIs Is It MaKeS tHe VaLuE oF mY nEgAtIvElY gEaReD pRoPeRtY pOrTfOlIo InCrEaSe"
