Comment on Californians Say X Blocked Them From Viewing Amber Alert About Missing 14-Year-Old ⁨1⁩ ⁨month⁩ ago

One more example of a private service being used as if it were a utility.

This one is especially egregious considering it’s an Amber Alert, but it isn’t necessarily unique. Despite the internet being designed as open, it has been taken over by private entities, and any popular service is ultimately controlled by such entities.

It’s a hard problem to solve. Look at federated platforms like Lemmy: they take a long time to populate, and their usefulness is partly a function of how successful that population is. By definition, a free, open platform will not have the advertising, reach, or “it factor” of a corporate service. When given the choice between an open platform and a corporate one, we see people choose the corporate one time and time again.

We have taken our open network and handed it, willingly, to private enterprise.
