Comment on Caveman technology ⁨1⁩ ⁨month⁩ ago

Around 2010-ish someone made a supercut of all the times in thriller cinema the phone service disconnected, since writers still felt the need to close the circle.

So I got the idea for a mystery / slasher / thriller called Cell Plan based on the family cell provider plans at the time, where groups were discounted more based on the size of the group.

A group of teens / young adults get a giant group cell plan right before their vacation out at Camp Scream. It’s a great plan with great connectivity, and everyone can even see where everyone else’s phone is on their GPS / Map service.

Moreover, the cell service never fails throughout the story, even in places that it shouldn’t work (no explanation, nothing supernatural, just that communication blackouts are not part of this story). People might even think it’s bizarre when they’re way out in Whispering Lake or down in the Bloody Mines, in places where service normally cuts out.

And then throw bunches of cell phone tropes that elevate the suspense: The first victim’s phone is found before her body is. One couple who sneaked off together get split up but take each other’s phones. Someone forgets their phone back at the cabin, which is then grabbed by the killer (who then uses it to get close to a victim). The killer is holding someone’s phone and stalking a running teen while another one sees them on the map and is giving directions.

Eventually, they’ll do all the open-circle things: Call the police (they’ll show up an hour or two later), call family, maybe even get help from an expert to get the power on again.
