Comment on Is Mario Kart Double Dash the best one? 2 months ago
I don’t know. Loved DD, and was quite good at it (as well as a few of my friends)! Sometime after 7 I believe it was, I went back to play DD with a friend, a friend I used to play the game with back in the day too. Well, I can’t remember how my friend fared, but I recall having difficulty, I think it was with timing. For one, getting off the starting line. The timing was different. I think there might have been a thing or two else different, maybe drifting but I can’t say, that really had me out of my element. I was not playing like I used to. Maybe too used to whatever modern one had been out (probably 7). Other factors could have been at play, too. Again, it’s just this one trip to the past I’m judging it on, and it doesn’t really answer your question.
I probably played the most in Kart 64. As well, I have not had the time others have had in 8. And I did enjoy both the DS and 3DS versions, with not much time on GBA.