Comment on I cannot tell you a way my life has genuinely gotten better since the advent of "smart" phones. 6 days ago
Smartphone can be used to organize protests.
See: Hong Kong Protests (they didn’t suceed in their goals, but still, they did put up some resistance)
Also, union activity. Encrypted chat apps to prevent employers finding out what you are up to. Prevents emplpyers preemptively fireing you before you legally form the union and get legal protection. Make strike-breaking harder.
Encrypted communications is very useful for people in abusive relationships. Smartphone cameras and microphone can record evidence of abuse. And data connection could also be used to save it to cloud and prevent deletion of evidence. Also, while not a “smart” phone specific feature, text to 911 is very useful if the abusive spouse is nearby and you need to call for help, and need to keep quiet. GPS positioning makes it easier to locate you. 6 days ago
Oof, what about all the disinformation and basically the breakdown of democratic structures because of it?
While encryption is super cool and has been really hard fought for (really interesting stuff) it has not been widely adopted and the data breaches we’ve seen since the entire culture has shifted to existing online are beyond description.
As a tool a smart phone is undeniably remarkable. As a tool to live your daily life it’s kind of underwhelming considering a the implications.