Comment on Favourite games to play around Christmas time? 2 months ago
Army Men Sarge’s Heroes has two Christmas levels, but the last one is the final boss where you fight a dreaded poodle. It’s flawed but I usually dust it off and give it a play
I was super stoked when Rising Storm 2 had their christmas event come out in 2018. It was a great mix serious and fun gameplay with the army men concept done with a level of polish I’ve never seen. Before the gsme died out I had a ton of fun for several christmasses!
I have a fond memory of being a radioman following the green faction commander around. We got pinned down behind some legos. The game mode keeps all the base game sound effects so when the commander peeked out and took a hit I got to listen to this long agonising stretch of gurgles and choking breaths while fighting for a kid’s craft table lol 2 months ago
Funny you mention Hitman, that’s been what I’ve been playing most this year, against my typical traditions.
Slightly off topic but if you combine my hours between the three modern Hitman games (since they’ve combined the three into one game now), it’s my second-most played game of all time