They seem to be used interchangeably in the UK at the jobs I’m applying for, but what I have is definitely CV and not resume. 2 months ago
I’m not from either place.
I was under the impression that a CV and a resume are different things. A CV is a general compilation of all things you’ve done, and a resume is a curated list used for applying to jobs.
I do know that they’re used interchangeably for the most part, but this is how I was explained the difference in practice. 2 months ago 2 months ago
No, they are the same thing. 2 months ago
They are not 2 months ago
Oh. Okay. So just different words? Like sidewalk & footpath? 2 months ago
Some people say that a resume is a shorter CV. But even a CV should only include the things relevant to the task you’re using for.