Comment on Name a game game: "...and then it ends with you fighting A GOD." 2 months ago
You are in a theater group and steal a magical princess. Yada Yada Yada, you find out your twin brother is using magic life mist to build an army of dolls… Yada Yada yada, the princess turns a castle into a giant robot to fight the doll army… Yada Yada yada, you go to your alien space ship to find all of your other clones, yada yada yada your clone brother kills you and the only way to realive is to kill Necron the god of death and then the game ends.
Final Fantasy 9, the pinnacle of FF games doing this.
Another favorite for me though would be Breath of Fire.
You are a man, you become a dragon man, you find out you were always a dragon, find the goddess and have to chose between killing her or becoming a dragon god and killing your friends. 2 months ago
Firstly, I feel offended you reduced the giant mecha vs a dragon cinematic to robot vs a doll army :P
Ff9 did the “all powerful god” but it is really a wtf out of no where momement that can feel jarring with the themes of the game - a ludonarrative narrative dissonance, unless I missed some obscure reference to it somewhere
I would argue that ff6 wrote a less jarring “kill a god” fight:
Although pulling ideas from christianity, it has a psychopathic clown ascend to godhood, shatter the world and sit a top his “heavenly throne” shooting god rays from the sky on a whim The fight then is a series of killing his “angels” before finally destroying him and shattering his “heaven”