Comment on Opening Up Nominations for the Inaugural Lemmy Manga Awards [2024, Week 50] 2 months ago
Alright, I managed to dig into my backlog from vacation quite a bit. I even found some new series that I checked out this week. Two in particular I really enjoyed:
I really enjoyed this one. It is a romcom where one person is desperate to find true love only to see her efforts spurned. Meanwhile, the other person is jaded and cynical about love, but respects her efforts to seek it out. Only three chapters on Mangadex so far (with 30 chapters total in the series), but I am eagerly awaiting more.
I just spent most of my free time this past weekend blasting through this series. It is quite a strange setup, but I found it quite fun. Basically, two girls both like the same guy in their class, but, despite how much they obsess over him (the titular Kirio), they never seem to work up the courage to do much of anything about it. In fact, Kirio’s face doesn’t appear in the series at all and he is mostly a side/background character a lot of the time. Instead, the series mostly focuses on these two girls and their silly antics.
These girls are weird, like really weird, but hilarious at the same time. If you are looking for a pair to compare them to, I would say they are like a more awkward version of the girls from The Gals Who Always Say Insane Things minus the superpowers. Their dynamic is so much fun. 2 months ago
My shōjo-ness is infecting others. Good. 😁 2 months ago
Kadath right now…
Image 2 months ago
Who took a picture of me right after I woken up?! 😱