Comment on What's next after Half-Life? 2 months agoKnights of the Old Republic: D20 based RPG set in pre-BBY Star Wars universe. Excellent story and characterization, great gameplay and progression - I’ve replayed it at least six times. If you like Mass Effect at all you should enjoy this. The sequel is worthy but not the same gem that moved the genre, but a worthy title
The sequel has Sara Kestelman as Kreia, that alone makes it worth playing. 2 months ago
Maybe I was a little jilted coming into Kotor 2 directly after Kotor 1 - I really enjoyed the sequel, but you can feel the cut content in some areas, whereas the first game feels ‘complete’.
I might owe it another play through, it has been a while 2 months ago
It’s a shame they forced them to release it unfinished. If you decide to play it, install the Restored Content Mod from the Steam Workshop. It restores a lot of cut content, making the game a bit more complete.