Sounds delicious. I have Philly Sour packets waiting and I want to try a peach lambic so bayd
Comment on What are you brewing? 2 months ago
@plactagonic eventually a wild yeast sour raspberry beer…. Hopefully ready by next July 2 months ago 2 months ago
@paulywill like, is it in fermenter or just in planning stage?
This seems like overkill aging time for me. 2 months ago planning stage…will be a mix fermentation experiment 2 months ago
@paulywill so what's the plan? Make wort and mix it with raspberry juice and ferment it or something more elaborate? 2 months ago
Well I’ve researched books, online (asked ChatGPT) and stumbled on the wiki at
1. take the built up starter I made from pine juniper/branches from July…it has bacteria, perhaps lacto that gives a nice sour taste
2. Freeze a few samples just in case, using Martin’s overview from Brülosophy
3. Make a saison/hefe like wort aim for 8 gallons
4. Maybe split batch into 2 glass carboys
5. Pitch one with just wild yeast, other w/ saf-05