Awww, they’re so earnest! 🫶🏼 Mind if I add a smidge of piano wire to hold up their halo? It’ll have a bit of a bobblehead bounce to it that way and won’t risk breaking like a resin stem/support would. Also, do you wanna resurface the teeth to be more tooth like or is the ceramic tile look a biblically accurate thing? (It’s been an alhoon’s age since I read that shitty fanfic, NGL.) Either way, I’m looking forward to printing this cutie up ASAP while I avoid this holiday with grand geeky fervor. 🤓🤘🏽 3 months ago
Sure thing! 😃 Something has to hold the halo up haha. I don’t mind at all!
For the teeth, do whatever you want with them. The lore accurate colours are the same colours I used here, pink, white and red. Once again thank you so much! It makes my day that people are interested in my characters enough that they want to do something like this! ❤️ 3 months ago
Sweeeet! ✨ I’m thinking I’ve just gotta metallicize the halo’s pink to pair with the inevitable pearlescent unicorn white sheen on the body. Yep. Can’t not, frankly. 🤘🏽 3 months ago
Go for it! 😃