Comment on Negative Positive Angler • NegaPosi Angler - Episode 8 discussion 1 month ago
The best episode in the show so far. It’s low key emotional. Machida’s singular focus on fishing estranged him from his wife and kid. Yuu-kun, his son, loves him still and wants to spend as much time as possible. It’s an impossibility with their family circumstances, so Machida reluctantly gave him a deal: he’ll return if Yuu catches a 50-cm fish. He’s a quick learner, and with the help of Machida replacing the string with a thicker one, Yuu manages to catch one. But that means his day with his father would end, and that saddens him so. Being a kid of separated parents sucks.
A seasoned anime watcher may find the bridge familiar, because that’s the one that leads to March Town. Perhaps you may find one of the Kawamoto sisters nearby.