Generalizations only work so well. Some millennials chastise Gen Z and some support them.
I am an Eldritch millennial and everyone that I know thinks Gen Z is pretty awesome. We’re just trying to hold the world together for them.
Comment on gen z gorillas 3 months agoI see Millenials bemoaning Gen Z helplessness all the time. I think the only generation thinking or Gen Z as capable are the Gen Z themself.
Generalizations only work so well. Some millennials chastise Gen Z and some support them.
I am an Eldritch millennial and everyone that I know thinks Gen Z is pretty awesome. We’re just trying to hold the world together for them.
Funny, because my friends who were teachers all quit teaching.
Yeah. Teaching sucks and I don’t know why anyone puts up with it. Mad respect and solidarity to all the teachers out there.
Doesn’t mean they don’t like Gen Z. They’re overworked and underpaid. But I can’t stress enough that that’s our fault. (I might put more blame on the Boomers running things.) We’re not prioritizing education and you can’t blame the people in school for that.
Is it because of the kids or the admin/parents/political activists/gun violence/low pay? 3 months ago
Maybe the people complaining drown out everyone else. But people like David Hogg and Greta Thunberg are Gen Z and out doing more than most to fix the problems they see. Like maybe people complain that Gen Z has no idea what files on a computer are, but that seems like a different thing than helplessness. 3 months ago
Could be people see Greta as an anomaly rather than representative of her generation. Or as I’ve often heard, in the sort of patronizing “well isn’t that nice that kids are doing that sort of stuff” way.