Blackbox echo chamber generators really should be avoided. They add to the angst and anger of the Internet, and of society.
Community search could be improved. And people should learn to actually use it, rather than being spoon fed whatever some programmer they’ve never met thinks they should eat based on the last 3 things they clicked on. 2 months ago
I absolutely should NOT have to intentionally visit every single niche community that I am already subscribed too. I already did the search thing and I am already subscribed, I just never see the content because it’s being forced out of my feed by a 100 posts to “news” about how shitty Republicans are. I also shouldn’t have to unsubscribe from “news” in order to solve the problem.
A non-political example is “Science Memes” over on Xander, there are times when that community represents 99% of my feed!
The USER needs a way to control their feed, either by throttling large communities or boosting smaller ones.