Comment on STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl Potentially Banned in Russia Due To Potential 'Justifying Terrorism' 2 months agoThat bad blood would take ages to clean.
Comment on STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl Potentially Banned in Russia Due To Potential 'Justifying Terrorism' 2 months agoThat bad blood would take ages to clean. 2 months ago
It’s not going to clear, because the russians won’t change.
Not because there is something inherently malicious about them/their culture. That’s bullshit.
It’s the choices they make. And they will continue to make the choice to support genocidal imperialism because they have zero incentive to change.
Western coddling about “they are just afraid, what can they do?” is a massive disservice to the russians (not to mention the countries on the recieving end of their genocidal imperialism). 2 months ago
Your reply would probably take me for a nosedive costing me another 20 to 30 years in solitary confinement, but I’m just not ready to formulate it yet.
For now, I ask you to elaborate on your last paragraph. About the disservice. What do you mean? 2 months ago
Engaging with russian victim-hood polemics is not going to help bring about any positive change in russian society.
Pretending that russian society does not a consist of strong majority of genocidal imperialists. Coming up with fantasies about how “everyone is just afraid” so they are just pretending to support imperialism. Turns out you can estimate preference falsification and it is relatively minor at ~10% with the impact being a change in support from ~75% to 65% (still a strong majority) for the full scale invasion of Ukraine.
Not putting Navalniy on the pedestal. He was a committed racist and imperialist. He was also a fool who decided to go back to russia, got himself put in jail and got himself killed. If the russians can’t find a better leader, then that’s on them.
Inviting Navalniy’s wife to high end forums where she comes up with stuff like:
What is your (the russian opposition’s) strategy for russia? Everything you’ve done so far has been a massive failure. Your organization is in exile and you husband foolishly decided to go back to russian prison where he was killed. What are russians going to do next?
You killed 5% of the civilian population in Chechnya, including in brutal targeted attacks and you speak about artificially divided? If 7 million russian civilians (roughly 5% of the population) were killed, would you be taking such a cavalier attitude?
If the russians do want to change their society for the better, they need to first confront the issues above. They will never achieve anything if they keep playing dumb. There is no reason to choose a “putin lite” over the real deal. 2 months ago
Hugh, that’s more based than I thought it would be. I’d reply again when I have a break. 2 months ago
They won’t, unless something slaps them hard enough, maybe? But what would sober them up? Being denied the capture of Kiev - didn’t. Denied on Kharkiv -didn’t. Prigo’s march - didn’t. Prigo’s murder - didn’t. Whole forests burning and towns getting flooded - these didn’t do much. And losing parts of Kursk region didn’t do that as well. Where’s the limit to them? What would exceed their tolerance to humiliation? Idk. They are still happy to suck someone’s ass and direct their anger as the party says.
Russia currently has no culture, as many talents from Ukraine and other states left, as many conscious russian artists left too, TV programs are all about referencing and reproducing songs, movies, ideas of the past. There’s literally a genre of shows based in nostalgic reproduction and it is the only thing other than propaganda that exists and thrives. The whole country is a human centipede that sucks it’s own shit. And it’s impotent to produce anything new. There won’t be a russian Triumph of the Will because russian Leny Riefenstahl is too edgy, too different, too wrong to fit the strict borders of what’s allowed. And you can see even russian fascists like Tesak (Chopping axe) got killed for they don’t toe the line well enough. This fascist state is too afraid of their own creations.
Dead Navalny and opposition on social media are rather useless. They aren’t interesting to anyone, not to the regular russians at all, and even harmful for they focus people’s irritation on their non-existant causes. These rich libs just can’t cut it.
There should be some person or multiple persons to first teach these people to be proud of themselves, to learn that they matter, that they aren’t garbage. To get some self-esteem and disdain to how abused they are. Only then they’d start to form civil and class consciousness. Them laughing at ukrainians at Maidan is them just not getting they themselves do deserve better and can demand that.
Can’t say much on national\race question because (1) I’m too white to feel and understand oppression myself and (2) if a region would like to break out, they’d know better what they want. But (3) I feel, like some of them just can’t do so as long as set leader is supported by Kremlin. It’s a question to solve. 2 months ago
“Shared background and culture” more like forcefully homogenised by russian empire and then ussr. Jesus Christ there is no end to the gaslighting