Comment on Random Screenshots of my Games #51 - Tavern Manager Simulator 2 months ago
Thanks for the review. I mostly play abstract (top down) economic strategy games, but this one piqued my interest.
Beating beggars is harsh though. Carrying passed out customers is cool though.😅
From a gameplay perspective it would be nice to not have manual ale quality (I hate QTE type elements); although it looks like eventually employees can make ale? Adding a time speed option to select the ratio of in-game time to real world time would also be a nice feature. For single player games, I don’t see why players shouldn’t be able to play on their own pace. 2 months ago
Agreed, I always hate when games force me to rush an event or situation. I’m here to have fun! Let me enjoy it at my own pace!
Although I think the days in this game are plenty long enough. Just when I’m getting tired from running around, I realize it’s evening time in-game. It’s mostly morning that comes too soon. Once I’m prepped for the next day, I don’t have much time to run around and explore before it’s time to reopen the tavern.
I could just close earlier, but the more stuff I sell each day, the more money I have to work with for the next day. Upgrades cost money to unlock, so I’ve been saving up to expand the tavern. I haven’t bought any decorations and I only bought more tables so I can sell to more customers at a time. Although I don’t get enough customers to fill all the seats right now.