Comment on Swiss Experiment Will Place Solar Panels Between Train Tracks 3 months ago
I didn’t realize the swiss had people this dumb too
Put it next to the tracks and you don’t have to stop using the tracks during the inevitable daily maintenance from being damaged by the trains in various ways, and it will still be in the middle of nowhere where nobody will ever see it. Plus wiring will be much less of a shitshow and less susceptible to damage. 3 months ago
You really think your hot take is that valuable? I wish i had that confidence. 3 months ago
there’s nothing hot about it. Its simply the tried and tested method of mount the panels and a stand don’t put anything on top to block the light. some silly dude already tried floor solar panels and they lost too much performance to the protective layers alone. this looks like plain unarmoured panels directly in a high vibration location, flat against the ground where the heat off the back won’t escape and dirt and snow will build up with nowhere to go because of the rails 3 months ago
A team of engineers putting 700k on the line to prove their concept is what id defer to.
They say they are durable. They know dirt and snow exists. They have cleaner brushes that attach to trains. They arent aiming for perfect efficiency, and are contending for an energy solution that is cheaper than buying their own land.