Comment on Amsterdam bans all protests after attacks on Israeli football fans 3 months agoViolence is an appropriate response to another person’s violence
Comment on Amsterdam bans all protests after attacks on Israeli football fans 3 months agoViolence is an appropriate response to another person’s violence 3 months ago
You can’t just start hitting a random person of the same origin and claim this to be justified. 3 months ago
The victim mentality is just in your head. Others just see an asshole who is burning down your flag and abusing you with death threats.
You pretend as if your nationality is visible to people like a banner… but it’s not. It’s just your behavior.
When you behave like an asshole and indulge in violence and spew hatred you expect people to respect your origin? 3 months ago
One person tore down a flag.
The next day, dozens of Israelis were attacked, regardless of their association with this person.
They were attacked for being Israeli. Most Israelis were born in Israel and have no other citizenships. Generally you don’t get to choose what country you were born in…
Every day, the pro-palestine left proves that it has fallen for antisemitic propaganda. You have an excuse now for committing violence against any Jew or Israeli that you want. 3 months ago
Every day, the pro-israeli right proves that it has fallen for anti-Palestinan propaganda. You have an excuse now for committing violence against any Palesrinian or Arab that you want. 3 months ago
Sorry, but the news text read as if this was retaliation for acts which happened a day before. You are telling me instead, they were attacked while chanting and ripping flags, which would make this a different story but still an act of violence. 3 months ago
I don’t see people calling for decency when it’s brown people on the receiving end. I only see people calling for decency when people call out/fight back against the agressors.