Comment on Mecha Ude: Mechanical Arms • Mecha-ude (TV) - Episode 6 discussion 3 months agoFull agree. You kind of have to turn your brain off and just enjoy the fights. But the story?
“We need to protect Alma at all costs”
“Oh, so I should stay in hiding in a secret bunker or something? Maybe joining the rebel forces so I’m surrounded my protection?”
“Nah, just live at home and go to school like normal”
“Oh, so the bad guys don’t know who I am or where I live and switching my routine might clue them in?”
“No, they know full well who you are and where you live. They even sent someone to the same school as you.”
“Oh, so you think I’m so powerful that they can’t touch me?”
“No, we think you’re worthless. But we gave you a bodyguard that doesn’t follow orders very well and has been defeated several times already so it should be fine. Plus in this episode you develop the power of FRIENDSHIP!”