Comment on Mellencamp was right: "Life goes on...long after the thrill of livin' is gone." 2 months ago
You can still find thrills. You just have to be more willing to take risks. I personally started exercising more, started my own construction business which is stressful and exciting, started jogging absolutely everywhere that I didn’t have to drive for. It also helps that I keep a decent float of alcohol in my system every time I don’t have to drive anywhere or be available for work. It keeps things exciting. 2 months ago
My hikes and kayak trips are usually uneventful, but I got stuck in a swamp the other day. That was thrilling.
The clear water is only 3" deep, but you’ll sink to your waist if you get both legs in, and then you’re truly stuck, no getting out, nothing to push against. Took me 20-minutes to navigate to the high ground only 30’ away.