The risk of the payment system getting shut down and people being unable to make payments for a while is real. And it is one good reason to be less reliant on digital payments.
Or entities. The US had a brief oil crisis recently because one of the major pipeline companies had their billing system hacked. Since the company couldn’t verify whether someone had paid, they just didn’t supply any oil.
Couple that with some misleading news stories and social media panic, and it blew up into a proper shortage from people hoarding all the petrol, and leaving none left. 3 months ago
Do you have any more info about this? 3 months ago
Here’s an article about them turning it off because of being unable to verify the bill:…/index.html
And here’s two attributing the issue, at least in part, to panic buying:…/petrol-shortages-sweep-us-as-colo……/u-s-fuel-sellers-scramble-for-alt…