Comment on AMD rakes in cash with best quarterly revenue ever amid datacenter business rise, but gaming business craters ⁨3⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

While I’m happy that AMD remains a viable competitor, their absolutely anemic competition with nVidia in the gaming segment is very disturbing. This means that nVidia’s still showing a 9% revenue increase YoY, and still getting an impressive rate of return for their gaming investments despite their horrendous price gouging and large number of customers exiting the PC gaming segment.

The fact that the console revenue isn’t making up for the loss of PC customers means Radeon just abandoned post in the PC gaming segment overall, with the public news that AMD isn’t even going to target performance oriented price-insensitive customers anymore at all, and not even trying to increase the TAM.

What I just heard was “We kept ourselves just slightly cheaper than nVidia, and don’t really care about bringing value back into the TAM for PC hardware, so we’re just going to focus our efforts on console-only going forward in the pipeline, and customers can join us there”.

That means as a customer in the PC hardware space, we all just ultimately lost, and it’s a single-vendor market now going forward.

