A lot of ocean trash comes by river from poor countries.
Also by river from wealthy countries, and has done so for centuries.
The scope of the task of removing it is far bigger than OP can imagine.
A lot of ocean trash comes by river from poor countries.
A lot of ocean trash comes by river from poor countries.
Also by river from wealthy countries, and has done so for centuries.
The scope of the task of removing it is far bigger than OP can imagine.
Most of the plastic in our oceans comes from land-based sources: by weight, 70% to 80% is plastic that is transported from land to the sea via rivers or coastlines
Most of the world’s largest emitting rivers are in Asia, with some also in East Africa and the Caribbean
Seven of the top ten rivers are in the Philippines. Two are in India, and one in Malaysia. The Pasig River in the Philippines alone accounts for 6.4% of global river plastics
Rich countries tend to have better functioning waste collection and disposal services.
Rich countries tend to have better functioning waste collection and disposal services.
These days it is a lot better, but it wasn’t always that way.
It has been that way for many decades.
yesman@lemmy.world 3 months ago
Ocean trash comes from plastic manufacturers. Responsible wealthy countries ship their dutiful recyclables to garbage pits in poor countries.
Most poor people don’t even have the education or resources to polymerize crude into poly-vinyl, it’s harder than you’d think.