Comment on Pressure vs Temp 4 months agoSomeone take’s car keys, they’re obviously drunk, please hand out the “TheFartographer has bad Ideas” pamphlets
Comment on Pressure vs Temp 4 months agoSomeone take’s car keys, they’re obviously drunk, please hand out the “TheFartographer has bad Ideas” pamphlets 4 months ago
Absolutely fucking not. I’m way more drunk than bigFab. I’m already handing out pamphlets that say “Vote TheFartographer for a fart in every pot and gas in every ass”. I don’t know what it means either, but I definitely voted for you. 4 months ago
Shit, I voted for you! I’ve handed out pamphlets that say “TexasDrunk: stealing daddies since 1997 and playing triangle in a punk folk cover band tomorrow.” I’ve offered to fart in a lot of pots and it’s been pretty unpopular so far… 4 months ago
It’s only unpopular because you’re doing it to get them to vote for me. They all know I’m no good.
On an unrelated note, what are you doing up so late? I’m only up because I’m about to head to SA. My buddy has an extra Saturday ticket to Space Con and I’m going to drunkenly and shamelessly flirt with Kate Mulgrew since I don’t think Eugene Cordero or George Takei will be there. 4 months ago
I wanted to go to Space Con and decided that it was simply too expensive, especially just a couple of weeks after going to see Rocky Horror Picture Show live. I hope it’s amazing and that the entire guest list actually shows up. A few years ago, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rick Moranis showed up for their first cons and everyone assumed that Alamo City Comic Con was just pulling our leg, so I wouldn’t totally discount it.
And I’m up late cuz it’s the weekend and I gotta find some way to fuck myself over. Might as well be fucking up my sleep cycle.
The Freeman Coliseum isn’t way too far from me, so DM me if you wanna meet up and mutually murder each other or say hi or something.