Usually you don’t need to shut it all down. But some customers might only pay for a VPS, they don’t pay for redundant nodes in other DCs and so on. So if you have to upgrade a rack switch pair you just kinda have to deal with a few minutes of downtime
Comment on [Hetzner maintenance] Expected downtime when this post is 13 hours old. 4 months ago
What kind of web hosting service needs to entirely shut down to do maintenance? Surely they could do a gradual rollout once they’d found a solution to the issue 4 months ago 4 months ago
True a few minutes for one host but the way it was phrased sounds like the entire thing is going down for aa significant period of time 4 months ago
Hetzner do have their downsides. But the prices are unbeatable! I just wish that the customer service people be a bit more humane 4 months ago
I’ve been meaning to get a hetzner server, they seem pretty good overall