Does Edward VIII count?
He surrendered the Crown … but was then made a Duke. 4 months ago
Few years ago or so some billionaire said that no one should die a billionaire and donated his money. Or something like that, I don’t remember the details clearly. Though I’m not sure it’s what you’re after as he’s done so when really old.
Does Edward VIII count?
He surrendered the Crown … but was then made a Duke.
The dabbling in Nazism makes him a lot less fun. 4 months ago
Andrew Carnegie, and it wasn’t totally altruistic. He did terrible, terrible things to get that rich. And he realized that he, and his peers, would likely be murdered French Revolution style if he didn’t do something to throw a bone to the poors. And maybe he was a little afraid of Hell. So he built concert halls (Carnegie Hall,) libraries, museums, charities, etc. I respect that he motivated (shamed) The Rothschilds, The Rockerfellers, and Vanderbuilts to emulated him out of envy. So, he achieved some good. But there’s no such thing as a Good Billionaire.