My policy as well. Non-negotiable hard no. But I’m fortunate enough to have at least some choice with regard to employment.
Comment on Not allowed to work from home 4 months agoFuck their data, what about my own? That pest of an app is not getting onto my device. And neither is anything else that gives an employer any control over my device. 4 months ago 4 months ago
A totally reasonable stance.
For clarity, the android feature essentially makes a work dedicated partition on the phone. Their management app can manage that partition, and for the purposes of data movement it’s essentially a distinct phone.
If they’ve set it up correctly they can do a remote wipe without touching your personal data.…
In a lot of cases the drive to have users use their personal devices rather than employer owned ones comes from the users, not the workplace. Only needing to keep track of one device is easier in many cases.