Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/
Because a 3 year old is SENTINENT. It can FEEL things, unlike a fetus.
I’m pretty sure an 8-month-old fetus can feel things and is sentient, so that’s a moot point unless you’re going to argue that sentience appears at the moment of birth - which we both know isn’t true.
So… Why can’t we abort 3 year olds?
Oh, you’re just a stupid reactionary. Get blocked idiot. 4 months ago
I’m pretty sure an 8-month-old fetus can feel things and is sentient, so that’s a moot point unless you’re going to argue that sentience appears at the moment of birth - which we both know isn’t true.
So… Why can’t we abort 3 year olds? 4 months ago
Oh, you’re just a stupid reactionary. Get blocked idiot.