Yeah haha, this is why it came to my mind. In this case it’s a title, so not really for the purpose of being used as a number.
Though, I suppose I didn’t specify this
Comment on Literally Nineteen Eighty-Four 4 months ago
I spell out numbers when I want to emphasize them.
Take George Orwell for example:
“Nineteen Eighty-Four” has a lot more of a punch to it than just “1984.”
Yeah haha, this is why it came to my mind. In this case it’s a title, so not really for the purpose of being used as a number.
Though, I suppose I didn’t specify this 4 months ago
I used to work in a library, and I hate this. We used to have both a “2001: a space Odyssey” and a “two thousand and one: a space oddesey”, sorted based on the spelling. 4 months ago
Isn’t that part of the reason we have Dewey/LoC system? 4 months ago
Those are for academic books, not novels. And you’d still sort everything within a category alphabetically by author and then by title (usually) 4 months ago
I found Larry Flynt’s autobiography at my university’s library using the LCCN system.
Then again that’s a University library so it might be different.