Those pattern buffer filters aren’t getting any better over the decades, are they?
To be fair, they are designed to work with all kinds of species, and samples and things. You don’t want it to delete someone’s liver just because they haven’t been on a starship before, or the new plant sample taken from a new planet.
Humans are full of necessary bacteria, and deleting all of that would be quite bad for you. But at the same time, them being in some place they’re not supposed to be is also going to cause problems.
You know, they should not even let the doors on shuttle craft open in dock, and just beam people in and out of them. That’d solve an entire other vector of infection.
What’s more surprising is that they don’t employ the sterilisation/quarantine fields that the older model transporters used to have, where they’d wall off the transport pad, blast them, and then open it up. That doesn’t seem unreasonable to apply to a shuttle before landing. 3 months ago
I’ve never understood the eagles argument. One of the major character deaths is to a brutally strong uruk hai archer, mordor would absolutely annihilate flying enemies with ballista, archers, and/or their own flyers, while brightly lit up by The Eye. 3 months ago
Also the Eagles are beings of demi-god like power that are second only to Gandalf’s kind, if even them. The reason Gandalf cannot carry the One True Ring is that its effects are proportional to the carrier’s power. Gandalf, being basically a step below the gods, absolutely should never be near the thing because he could probably destroy the world with it. The Eagles, being of very similar power to Gandalf, also should stay the fuck away from the Ring because they obliterate the world. The reason a Hobbit has to carry it is because Hobbits are the magical power equivalent of a 17 year old battery you found at the back of your grandma’s junk drawer. 3 months ago
Why do people think this? The eagles are pretty explicitly mortal beasts, not Maiar or even immortal like Elves. They are servants of Manwe, but just big smart birds.