It’s nakedly hagiographic, so of course a random conservative lemmy mod is going to defend it. De gustibus some disputandum, eh?
It’s nakedly hagiographic, so of course a random conservative lemmy mod is going to defend it. De gustibus some disputandum, eh? 4 months ago
I’m refusing to watch it because it sounds like it was somewhat biased, which not only makes for a deceptive film, but a one-dimensional one. It’s the same reason I’m not watching The Apprentice (2024), everyone involved in that film seems to think that Trump is at best a bad person. (Although TBF Karsten Runquist claimed in his review that it humanizes both Roy Kohn and Trump, FWIW) 4 months ago
The guy who plays Cohn crushes it. It’s worth the ticket price to watch him.
Reagan is biased as a movie. That said watching how he worked with both sides and inspired people is true. It reminds you that our system can work and how south things have went.
The scene with tip really strike a chord. They were rivals but they liked each other as people. They were friends. That’s the politics we need again 4 months ago
The problem with using Jeremy Strong to pitch this movie as one to watch is IDK why I’d watch him in this role instead of just rewatching Succession. 4 months ago
I haven’t watched succession but he is amazing in this roll. People that knew Cohn said it’s uncanny.
The movie was eh. Very biased and some seems made up but Cohn steals the show