Comment on [News] "Yankee JK Kuzuhana-chan" Manga Goes on Hiatus Due to Creator's Health 4 months ago
Look, I am aware of how much I like to joke about my relationship with this series. I might have broken free from reading Rent a GF, but Yankee JK still has its hooks in me. Sometimes I just want to read something to make jokes and have fun with it instead of engaging critically. That doesn’t mean I wish the author any ill will. I hope they feel better soon. Since they have given a return date, I am hopeful that it isn’t an open-ended health issue of some kind. 4 months ago
Heres hoping we can somehow survive in the mean time. After all there’s basically no other rom com manga out there with a generic male lead and boatloads of women simping over him because he’s, “nice”. Nope, not a one.