Comment on Israel drops 'depleted uranium bombs' inside Beirut: Official 2 months agoDepleted uranium is used in armor piercing tank shells, armor piercing autocannon rounds, and bunker buster bombs. The high density of Uranium helps with penetration. Depleted uranium is commonly used for that purpose. Tungsten is a more expensive and slightly worse alternative used by other countries.
We know the Israeli Air Force used bunker buster bombs to kill Nasrallah in his bunker, possibly BLU-109.
So this whole story is certainly plausible. 2 months ago
Plausible yes. Painting it as if it were doctrine is not.
DU is toxic and radioactive, but the radioactivity is stopped by a literal sheet of paper. So the article is just panic inducing propaganda intended for people who want yet another reason to hate on Israel
EU source regarding the radioactivity of DU munitions:…/index.htm 2 months ago
Oh good. I’ll just line my lungs with paper, then?