My only question is where is the outlet for the heat pump? If it goes out in the front then okay, but if it’s pumping out hot air into a now insulated area that might be a problem
Holy shit this is some #theydidthemath stuff.
6 months at paying full price for the foam is a ridiculously quick turnaround given the lifespan of a fridge (easily 5 years). Plus, you can probably reuse the prior fridge’s foam on the next fridge, so that makes it even better.
Why don’t people do this more often? If the gap in my current “fridge space” wasn’t so small already, I’d be tempted to go find some foam. 4 months ago 4 months ago
I would guess that most people don’t know, and as mentioned it’s ugly and sadly it seems the majority of people care about aesthetics more than efficiency.
And also like you, I would do this but my fridge space is also definitely too small. I also think our fridge is new enough to be one of the metal dissipators