Comment on (Discussion) Organisation of Content in Australia-Related Communities on ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I agree with []( This community (in the broad sense) is small enough already, splintering off prematurely doesn’t seem good for it to me.

But further than that, I’m also not sure the lines are clear enough to be worth trying to fight anyway. Of the three articles you listed as belonging in this community (as in !, the first and third are ones I’d have expected to go to ! The hobby horses is one I’d think would go here, and the humanitarian intake is clearly politics, to me (it literally has “government” in the title!). I’m not trying to start a fight over whether I’m right or you are, but merely trying to point out that the fact that we disagree over what belongs where is potentially problematic if we’re trying to start rules for restricting what gets posted where.
