Comment on What do allergies feel like for you? 5 months ago
As far as I know, I have 2 main allergies: pollen and metals (some metals, not sure which exactly).
- It feels like my nose is a leaky faucet. It will run and run and I’ll have sneezing fits for hours. If I blow my nose, it makes the inside feel super-dry and itchy, which just kicks off more running and sneezing. So it basically feels pointless to blow my nose at all, and I usually settle for sniffling instead. But if I do that too much, I start getting mini-sinus headaches.
- Flare-ups. Sometimes I’ll see the plants that trigger it and I’ll start sneezing within 10-20 minutes. Other times I’ll go outside and it’ll start out of nowhere. It’ll last for hours.
- Meds do not seem to help at all. Maybe they shorten what would be a 6-hour episode into a 3-hour episode but who tf knows. I have yet to find anything that kicks in faster than a couple hours after use.
- I break out in a highly localized rash. It’s red, bumpy, and itches like mosquito bites.
- Flare-ups after prolonged contact (several hours) with a metal. It’ll last anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days.
- No meds. It’s pretty easy to ignore when it flares up, and it’s easy enough to avoid exposure. 5 months ago
My mother had reactions to nickel. Every time I would buy her some kind of cheap jewelry as a kid She have to go and get a different chain for it usually stainless steel.