Comment on Telegram is exposing their users privacy. 5 months agoThe country in which the perpetrator lives or the crime was committed. First time using the internet?
In your opinion, all companies must disclose the personal information of customers whenever a Government says “This person broke the law”? 5 months ago
None of this is my opinion, it’s just how the world works LOL
Not necessarily, but kinda. They can protest it. Look at the disclosures of your favorite global tech company, most of them make this information public (except when the gov specifically tells them they can’t until they change their mind later). 5 months ago
Can you elaborate?
Which Government?
Pardon my ignorance as this is my first time using the internet, but I am pretty sure that every Government on the planet does not use a universal set of laws or procedures for enforcement. 5 months ago
I just did.
I already answered this one as well.
No but they all certainly have some sort of system for requesting access to information. 5 months ago
So in your world, journalists and activists trying to bring attention to human rights violations their country’s fascist government is committing in an attempt to bring in good change should be just fucked over right?
Because those governments label those people as “criminals” when they’re objectively not. 5 months ago
This may be of some use to you.
United States of America? Canada? North Korea? China? Australia? Saudi Arabia? South Africa? Brazil?
The point is the app was designed for secure communication, specifically from corrupt governments, which is why it is problematic to allow access to user data as long as the individual is breaking a law in that country.
Or to use the example from the top: